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Cream Pie Serving and Preparation

Tools Needed to Prepare and Serve:

  • A long, non-serrated knife
  • A large plate or cutting board
  • A spatula or server

Thawing Options:

  • You can eat cream pies right from the freezer or thaw them in the refrigerator for a creamier texture
  • Individual pie slices will thaw faster than the whole pie

Cutting and Serving Tips:

  • Remove the pie from its packaging to slice
  • Remove the dome lid
  • Push the pie up from the bottom to lift it from the package
  • While frozen, cut your cream pie on a large plate or cutting board
  • Before the first cut and in between cuts, dip the knife in warm water. Then, clean it with a paper towel between cuts.
  • Cut from the center, not all the way across the diameter of the pie

Disclaimer: Nutritional information is subject to change. See product label to verify ingredients and allergens.

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